Introducing intelligent agents potential into a competent. This intuition led to the development of one of the first multiagent systems. Our multiagent architecture for coordinated responsive observations macro platform provides a powerful computational infrastructure for deploying, con. However, it cannot specify how these elements should interact to provide the expected functionality. Sensing and measurement architecture for grid modernization. In response to the abovementioned limitations of current wireless sensor networks, this research proposes an innovative approach that incorporates the integration of multiagent technology and dynamic code migration into a wireless shm system 1. Moreover an interesting taxonomy about sensor networks and their relationships with multi agent systems can be found in 46. A multiagent architecture that interconnects a wide range of heterogeneous devices that may possess various levels of resources is proposed in 11. It realizes the multiagent community by combined use of intelligent sensors and middle agent architecture.
A multiagent system architecture for sensor networks article pdf available in sensors 912. A multiagent system architecture for sensor networks. Citeseerx document details isaac councill, lee giles, pradeep teregowda. The control system lochness is evaluated in simulation and successfully demonstrated using a largescale outdoor sensor network deployment. The goal of the work is to develop a software architecture which combines the desired properties of. Distributed activecamera control architecture based on multi. A multiagentbased intelligent sensor and actuator network. Agent collaborative target localization and classification in. The goal of the work is to develop a software architecture which combines the desired properties of flexibility and developer. The future study will focus on the implementation of the proposed framework.
In semantic sensor networks workshop, a workshop of the 5th international semantic web conference iswc 2006, november 59, athens, georgia, usa 2006 6. In the last years the area of health monitoring has grown significantly, attracting the attention of both academia and commercial sectors. Keywords multiagent systems, wireless sensor networks, mobile agent, simulated. This research proposes to employ multi agent system solutions to the applications concerning with the wireless sensor network environment. Fully decentralized multiagent reinforcement learning with. The components of the control system are described in section iv. This study had a simulation built, where the multiagent system was developed using the. The multi agent system solutions for wireless sensor network. A multiagent system is a collection of loosely coupled autonomous agents migrating through the network. Tracking and coordination of multiple agents using sensor. In this contribution a multi agent system architecture is proposed to deal with the management of spatially distributed heterogeneous nets of sensors, specially is described the problem of pantiltzoom or active cameras. The term wireless sensor networks wsns is defined as multihop network systems.
Multiagent system architectures for wireless sensor networks conference paper pdf available in lecture notes in computer science 3516. To apply the multiagent technology to the distributed wsn based shm applications, a multiagent architecture for sensor networks that can support collaborative shm task allocation, network selforganization and sensor data aggregation is described from both physical and software architecture perspectives. The sensor network architectural view treats sensors and the communication network as an integrated. Pdf complex and distributed systems are more and more associated with the application of wsn wireless sensor network technology. This thesis work was aimed to design a new model for faulttolerant and high availability of distributed sensor networks and data fusion. The experimental results from the sensor network deployment are given in section v. Besides the traditional problems about how to process the sensor data to obtain the target information, engineers need to consider additional aspects such as the heterogeneity and high number of sensors. Resourceefficient wireless monitoring based on mobile. The architecture considers sensors as devices used by an upper layer of manager agents. The multiagent architecture in wsn is also introduced in 3, which delegates the role of agents into seven definitions, such as an intelligent. Multiagent system for fault tolerance in wireless sensor.
Multiagent systems can be used to solve problems which are difficult or impossible for an individual agent or monolithic system to solve. System architecture directions for networked sensors. System developers must adapt their applications and systems to accommodate a wide range of underlying protocols and mechanisms. This approach is tested using a largescale 400676 node agentbased simulation of a factory environment that is subject to noise and blockage. Tynan et al 12 proposed the development of intelligent sensor networks using multi agent systems. The architecture considers sensors as devices used by an upper layer of. This paper presents p2p multiagent data transfer and aggregation system architecture in wsns. This research proposes to employ multiagent system solutions to the applications concerning with the wireless sensor network environment. Multi agent and mobile agent architectures for wireless sensor networks now that a sensor node can be viewed as an agent, it is straightforward to consider wsn as a multi agent system. Wireless sensor networks wsns consist of small, lowcost sensor nodes spatially distributed over a. Distributed algorithms for environment partitioning in. The design of the control systems for sensor networks presents important challenges.
An embedded multiagent systems based industrial wireless. A multi agent system mas or selforganized system is a computerized system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents. Multi agent systems are considered both in the context of robotics and the context of personalized telecare systems. Data processing and communication in distributed low. Furthermore, real problems involve distributed, open systems hewitt 1986. P2p multiagent data transfer and aggregation in wireless. Pdf multiagent architecture for the design of wsn applications. The multi agent system solutions for wireless sensor. This thesis investigates software architectures for multiagent sensor systems. International journal of advanced towards a hybrid. The multi agent system solutions for wireless sensor network applications. A survey on sensor networks from a multiagent perspective. A multi agent system mas architecture developed for an intelligent inhabited environment he based on zigbee wireless sensor network is introduced. These systems require a resilient distributed control system design architecture for providing high system performance, reliability.
They are formed through distributed, selforganized, and energyconstrained wireless sensor nodes and actuators, which collect data needed for a certain application from the monitoring area automatically in order to improve the performance of the monitoring systems and decrease the total costs. Hardware, application layers and complete model proposal 6. The hierarchical multi agent architecture is presented for wsn in 14. Peertopeer, multi agent systems, data fusion, distributed sensor networks abstract. A serviceoriented multiagent systems architecture for the sensor web. Multiagent system architectures for wireless sensor. This paper reports on an ad hoc wireless sensor network architecture for industrial sensing and control applications. Pdf multiagent system architectures for wireless sensor. This thesis investigates software architectures for multi agent sensor systems. Intelligence may include methodic, functional, procedural approaches, algorithmic search or reinforcement learning. Data processing and communication in distributed lowpower. This study had a simulation built, where the multi agent system was developed using the. With only local reward and action, classical reinforcement learning algorithms can hardly maximize the networkedwide averaged reward determined by the joint actions of all agents. Pdf a multiagent system architecture for sensor networks.
In this contribution a multiagent system architecture is proposed to deal with the management of spatially distributed heterogeneous nets of sensors, specially is described the problem of pantiltzoom or active cameras. A tool for generating model transformations byexample in multiagent systems. Multiagent system architectures for wireless sensor networks. The lack of a fully distributed architecture limits the applicability of equitable partitioning policies to limitedsize multiagent systems operating in a known, static environment. Multiagent architecture for the design of wsn applications. While eliminating the silo effect, it allows each application vendor to retain control over the value that vendor creates when processing low level sensor data. A multiagent architecture based on the bdi model for data fusion in visual sensor networks federico castanedo, jesus garcia, miguel a. We present a hybrid, multilayered, agentoriented architecture for distributed sensor.
The proposed architectures focus on design principles estrin et al. Wsns will also play a key role in pervasive computing where computing devices and people are connected to the internet. Wireless sensor networks wsns are becoming an increasingly important technology that will be used in a variety of applications such as environmental monitoring, infrastructure management, public safety, medical, home and office security, transportation, and military. A multiagent system architecture for sensor networks 25 communications and data integration than on gathering data and the processing of the raw signals. Wireless sensor networks for commercial lighting control. The text will give an introduction to agent technologies and the jade platform, before proceeding to give a comprehensive. Sensor networks can be considered as dynamic and adaptive systems that can support multiagent applications. An ad hoc distributed systems approach for industrial. A multiagent system architecture for sensor networks core. Intelligence may include methodic, functional, procedural approaches, algorithmic. A multiagent system for outliers accommodation in wireless. A multiagent system architecture for sensor networks ncbi. Agentbased development of wireless sensor network applications. It realizes the multi agent community by combined use of intelligent sensors and middle agent architecture.
Pdf traditionally multiagent systems have been thought of in terms of devices that possess a relatively rich set of resources e. This promise is particularly attractive for creating software that operates in environments that are distributed and. Multiagent systems can solve problems that are difficult or impossible for an individual agent or a monolithic system to solve. Multi agent systems can be used to solve problems which are difficult or impossible for an individual agent or monolithic system to solve. The basic problem tackled by the distributed system is mobile node tracking.
Distributed hearsayii used a problemsolving architecture that was advanced for the time, and it opened up a number of exciting. A novel architecture is proposed, along with a novel wireless sensor. Context aware multisensor image fusion for military sensor. Multiagent system innetwork processing in wireless sensor network. With only local reward and action, classical reinforcement learning algorithms can hardly.
Lee, advancing building energy management system to enable smart grid interoperation, international journal of distributed sensor networks, v2016, jan. Integrating hardware agents into an enhanced multiagent. Wireless sensor networks wsns enable pervasive, ubiquitous, and seamless communication with the physical world. Multiagent system mas is a set of software agents that interact to solve problems that are beyond the individual capacities or knowledge of each individual agent7. Pdf zigbee is a standard wireless network protocol for low rate control network with the advantages of low complex, low cost, low consumption and high safety. The herein proposed multi agent simulation architecture aims at designing a novel wsn simulation system independent of specific hardware platforms but taking into account all hardware entities and events for testing and analysing the behaviour of a realistic wsn system. A distributed multiagent system architecture for body area networks applied to. Tynan et al 12 proposed the development of intelligent sensor networks using multiagent systems. The system must be able to handle latency and time asynchronicity gracefully, due to communication constraints. Each node includes a miniature electronic device with. To demonstrate the applicability and validity of our concrete framework and software architecture, we conduct an. Multiagent based models presents tools and methods to visualize and abstract a given system. Multi agent systems can solve problems that are difficult or impossible for an individual agent or a monolithic system to solve.
In this survey we focus on the software challenges sensor net. Distributed activecamera control architecture based on. The design of a multiagent system based on virtual organizations allows one to monitor and control an irrigation system. The use of a combination of agents in wireless sensor networks allows for the design of new platforms with advanced computing capabilities. An adaptive communication architecture for wireless sensor. Whiteboard architecture for the multiagent sensor systems. The proposed architectures focus on design principles estrin et.
The herein proposed multiagent simulation architecture aims at designing a novel wsn simulation system independent of specific hardware platforms but taking into account all hardware entities and events for testing and analysing the behaviour of a realistic wsn system. Architecting multiagent systems with distributed sensor. A distributed multiagent system architecture for body area. A comparison between some of these approaches that integrate multiagent systems and wireless sensor networks is depicted in table 1. Besides the traditional problems about how to process the sensor data to obtain the target information, engineers need to consider additional aspects such as the heterogeneity and high number of sensors, and the flexibility of these networks regarding topologies and the sensors in them. Jade enables developers to implement and deploy multiagent systems, including agents running on wireless networks and limitedresource devices. Multiagent systems are considered both in the context of robotics and the context of personalized telecare systems. That system was called distributed hearsayii and used multiagent concepts in a simulated distributed sensing application. The proposed multiagent system mas architecture for smart house technology. Agent collaborative target localization and classification. A multi agent architecture that interconnects a wide range of heterogeneous devices that may possess various levels of resources is proposed in 11.
As the refinement from pim to psm is manual, engineers also omit activity 12. The hierarchical multiagent architecture is presented for wsn in 14. Combining multiagent systems and wireless sensor networks. Artificial intelligence for wireless sensor networks. A multiagent system mas is a system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents. As can be seen, one of the main contribution of the platforms based on sylph, such as the integration of sylph with email protected, the hera platform and the new integration of hera into email protected presented in this paper, is that these allow the.
Fully decentralized multiagent reinforcement learning. Tracking and coordination of multiple agents using sensor networks. As sensor networks move towards increasing heterogeneity, the number of link layers, mac protocols, and underlying transportation mechanisms increases. The metamodel for sensor networks just defines the modelling primitives that can be used when specifying these networks as mas.
A multiagent system mas or selforganized system is a computerized system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents citation needed. Index termssensor networks, networked control systems. Mitigating the effects of sensor uncertainties in networked. The main problem was to modify existing data fusion process into a new one by combining multi agent systems with. Multiagent system design and evaluation for collaborative. In order to provide an effective approach for this integration, this paper proposes an architecture based on the multi agent system paradigm with a clear separation of concerns. Sycara agentbased systems technology has generated lots of excitement in recent years because of its promise as a new paradigm for conceptualizing, designing, and implementing software systems. At the same time, the availability of new biomedical sensors and suitable network protocols has led to the appearance of a new generation of wireless sensor networks, the socalled wireless body area networks. A multiagent system architecture for sensor networks mdpi. Multiagent systems carnegie mellon school of computer. A multi agent system mas is a system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents. Arti cial intelligence for wireless sensor networks enhancement 79 model speci. Intelligent sensor nodes exploit as autonomous agents which monitor the events at the environment.
An open system is one in which the structure of the system itself is capable of dynamically changing. Beyond the cloud system, international conference on information technology and computer science, july 2016. Contikia lightweight and flexible operating system for tiny networked sensors. Developing multiagent systems with jade is a practical guide to using jade. Pdf multiagent system architectures for wireless sensor networks.
Artificial intelligence distributed artificial intelligence. A multi agent system architecture for sensor networks 25 communications and data integration than on gathering data and the processing of the raw signals. The system is designed as a multiagent system using web services and the service oriented architecture. A proposal for an efficient integral multiagent sensor. Agent systems are open and extensible systems that allow for the deployment of autonomous and proactive software components. Multiagent and mobile agent architectures for wireless sensor networks now that a sensor node can be viewed as an agent, it is straightforward to consider wsn as a multiagent system.
1025 703 68 464 1375 489 14 1392 1246 1399 930 465 593 117 547 332 1425 634 61 1140 772 19 1184 1232 609 499 277 39 286 907 317 200 1273 524 1319 567 330 359 1392